After this webinar, you will be well equipped with deep understanding of
This webinar is for retailers, grocery chain operators, mall owners as well as media agencies, shopper marketing companies and all other companies working in this field who believe that every space with an audience is a business opportunity.
Matthew Cheng
Matthew Cheng has over 20 years of experience in the ASEAN media industry with a specialized understanding of Ambient, DOOH and In-store Retail Media campaigns.
Janne Lohvansuu
As a CEO of Doohlabs, Janne is a passionate helping retailers to monetise their retail spaces with retail media to benefit both shoppers and retailers all around the world.
Ken Lee
Founder of Scotwell, Ken specialised in providing integrated solutions for media content delivery. We help media companies to transform from OOH to DOOH and now into the exciting Programmatic DOOH